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Criminal law and procedure

About our legal practice

Protecting the rights and interests of individuals in criminal proceedings is one of the priority areas of our company's activities. We understand how important freedom and protection against the abuse of law enforcement agencies, as well as illegal persecution, are for our clients. The experience and practice of our company's lawyers allow for the most effective protection of your rights.

Our team of lawyers provides the following services:

Development of a comprehensive defense strategy in criminal proceedings.
Representation of interests of victims, civil claimants, and defendants.
Defense in case of interrogation as a witness, suspect, or accused.
Preparation of the client and company employees for interrogations and searches.
Preparation of a statement of an offense for initiating criminal proceedings if there are grounds.
Consultation and representation of interests in law enforcement agencies: National Police, Prosecutor's Office, Security Service of Ukraine, State Bureau of Investigations, National Anti-Corruption Bureau.